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Enterprise Minnesota expert consultants are available to support manufacturers in every county of the state. No matter where you’re located, a trusted advisor is ready to answer your questions.
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Twin Cities Metro
Your local advisors:
- Joel Scalzo – Hennepin County
- Kari Rusing – Hennepin County
- Andre Tramm– Ramsey, Washington Counties. Cities of Columbia Heights, Fridley, Hilltop, St. Louis Park
Counties served: Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington.

Northeast Minnesota
Your local advisor: Jim Schottmuller
Counties served: Anoka, Carlton, Chisago, Cook, Isanti, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochaching, Lake, Mille Lacs, Pine, St. Louis.

Central Minnesota
Your local advisor: Dawn Loberg
Counties served: Benton, Morrison, Sherburne, Stearns. Cities of Monticello and Clearwater.

Northwest Minnesota
Your local advisor: Andrew Busta
Counties served: Aitkin, Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Clay, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau, Wadena, Wilkin.

West Central Minnesota
Your local advisor: Dave Kvasager
Counties served: Big Stone, Chippewa, Douglas, Grant, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Meeker, Pope, Renville, Stevens, Swift, Todd, Traverse, Yellow Medicine.

Southwest Minnesota
Your local advisor: Doug Dittbenner
Counties served: Brown, Carver, Cottonwood, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Murray, Pipestone, Redwood, Sibley, Watonwan, Wright.

Southern Minnesota
Your local advisor: Kurt Bear
Counties served: Blue Earth, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Jackson, Martin, Mower, Nicollet, Nobles, Olmsted, Rock, Steele, Waseca, Winona.

Southeast Minnesota
Your local advisor: Marty Olson
Counties served: Dakota, Goodhue, Le Sueur, Rice, Scott, Wabasha.