The platinum sponsors of Enterprise Minnesota’s State of Manufacturing (SOM) survey recently convened to kick off the 2024 edition of the project.

The SOM has evolved into one of Minnesota’s most popular — and consequential — sources of business data.

Observers agree the source of SOM’s popularity and influence is its sole purpose of producing rigorously objective data. The SOM starts with survey research conducted by pollster Rob Autry, founder of Meeting Street Insights (named America’s top pollster in 2023), who has conducted the survey since its inception. He and his team annually recruit a statistically valid representative cross-section of at least 400 Minnesota manufacturers. Focus groups enable executives to complement this data with their experiences and personal anecdotes.

Over time, the SOM has produced a coalition of advocates for manufacturing throughout Minnesota. These supporters of the industry appreciate the value of manufacturing to our state’s economy. They also acknowledge their diverse roles (business, economic development entities, public policy makers, grant-makers, and other non-profits) in helping to keep manufacturing thriving.

Bob Kill, president and CEO of Enterprise Minnesota, says that enduring relationships with platinum sponsors are key to SOM’s long-term relevance. “Bringing in one of the nation’s top pollsters year after year is an expense we couldn’t afford without their financial investment,” he says. But their influence goes beyond money, he adds. Each sponsor represents an exclusive market segment in the coalition of manufacturers. “They circulate our results to their networks each year, which increases our breadth and credibility.”

He adds that sponsors also benefit from the long-term relationship they enjoy through this partnership.

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